Encrypted Internet

Most of the data shared on the Internet are being sent through the Internet in an easy reading format. Please be aware how often you enter passwords to logon to your e-shop, e-mail, FTP server or other non-encrypted services. Each logon can cause a steal or an abuse of your Internet identity.

Thanks to our SIST Internet encrypting service you are assured that your data are transmitted in the encrypted form wherever on the World you are. In a metaphorical sense we can say that even a discreet man in a cafes corner will not copy the password to your bank logging profile, name and password to your e-mail etc.

Our Secured Internet guarantees needs of both companies and individuals. It is possible to install it as a software accessory on the PC, or the whole infrastructure can be secured by SIST on router level. The unbreakable solution is made by a mutual combination of two mentioned technologies.

SIST encrypted Internet is suitable for business trips, when it is highly recommended to secure the encrypted transmission of sensitive, not only companies', data and protect them from the abuse.

The latest news is encrypted Internet for tablets and smart phones, so their users can handle them safely without any fear of an attack.


Common Internet connection - visualization (non-encrypted transmission)


Attacker can get your login data (name and password) into web and e-mails accounts without any problems. Also the attacker is able to read any text transmitted into your PC, notebook, phone or tablet by Internet.


Encrypted Internet connection - visualization


Attacker does not have any chance to eavesdrop any transmission from your device.

Pro bližší informace nás prosím kontaktujte na mailu info@sist.cz nebo telefonu 266 007 266
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Šifrované hovory a internet - SIST | ANAREUS CZ, s.r.o. | tel. 244 464 132